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Free VPS found & Development Updates
  • Sunday, 29th May, 2022
  • 20:55pm

It was a rocky night at the office holding the webserver so softly afraid it was going to fall apart into pieces and never be back. Really, the first night the web services took a rocky hit but alot of progress was made to be able to transform into XP 2.0 . Thank you all for your patience and we promise, it is a better road ahead now!

The New Layout and content for the main page and site has been finished (preview release coming soon!). We will be working on the account manager and shopping over the next few days.

In the mist of things last night, sometime and somehow, a VPS package got marked down to free and one of our customer's took advantage of it and placed an order. We are sad to announce that we activated his Free VPS order and he remains happy!

Jokes aside... dont miss out on the chance for free services and/or products! Keep checking back folks.